Complete Guide to Bed Bug Repellents in Singapore Natural and Effective Solutions

Your Complete Guide to Bed Bug Repellents in Singapore: Natural and Effective Solutions

Discover natural, chemical, and professional bed bug repellents available in…

Ultimate Guide: What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly in Singapore?

Effective ways to instantly kill bed bugs in Singapore: chemical treatments,…

Bed Bugs in the Kitchen Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Infestations in Singapore

Bed Bugs in the Kitchen: Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Infestations in Singapore

Bed bugs in kitchens can pose significant risks to health and food safety. Learn…

Understanding and Managing Bed Bug Bites in Singapore

Understanding and Managing Bed Bug Bites in Singapore

Identifying and treating bed bug bites in Singapore: discover prevention tips and…

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Cars

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Cars

Discover effective ways to get rid of cockroach infestations in cars, from…

What to Expect After a Cockroach Fumigation

What to Expect After a Cockroach Fumigation

Discover what happens after cockroach fumigation, the do's and don'ts after…

Spider Eggs in the House How to Identify and Get Rid of Them

Spider Eggs in the House: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them

How do spider eggs look like, ways to get rid of them and when to seek help? Read…

The Complete Guide to Mouse and Rat Traps How Do They Work

The Complete Guide to Mouse and Rat Traps: How Do They Work

Explore the benefits of using rat and mouse traps, how they work, and how to…

Do Cockroach Traps Work - Ways to Trap Cockroaches Effectively

Do Cockroach Traps Work? Ways to Trap Cockroaches Effectively

Are cockroach traps effective? Discover types of traps, tips for optimal use, and…

The Complete Guide to Flying Ants Treatment and Prevention in Singapore

The Complete Guide to Flying Ants Treatment and Prevention in Singapore

Flying ants can annoy homeowners in Singapore. Discover proven treatment methods…

How to Prevent and Treat Human Flea Bites in Singapore

How to Prevent and Treat Human Flea Bites in Singapore

Flea bites can be irritating and uncomfortable: learn main flea bite symptoms, and…

The Complete Guide to Hornets Prevention, Treatment, and Control in Singapore

The Complete Guide to Hornets Prevention, Treatment, and Control in Singapore

Hornets can cause problems as they build nests near homes in Singapore. Explore…

The Ultimate Guide to Urban Beekeeping in Singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Urban Beekeeping in Singapore

Learn about urban beekeeping in Singapore, its benefits for the environment, and…

How to Get Rid of Lizards In Your Home and Yard

How to Get Rid of Lizards In Your Home and Yard

Explore what can attract lizards to your home and how to get rid of lizards indoors…

Wasp vs Bee What’s the Difference

Wasp vs Bee: What’s the Difference?

Explore the key characteristics of wasps vs bees, similarities and differences…

home remedies for termites

What Kills Termites? Exploring Home Remedies

Discover effective home remedies for termites to get rid of termites naturally.…

What Repels Rodents

What Repels Rodents? Sounds, Smells & Other Remedies

Discover effective strategies to keep your home rodent-free. Learn what repels…

How to get rid of gnats

How to Get Rid of Gnats

Gnats presence can be quite frustrating - learn ways to get rid of gnats and what…

What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home

What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home

What attracts cockroaches the most and where to find them in your home? Learn this…

Common Causes of Bed Bug Infestations

Common Bed Bug Causes: Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Bed bug infestation can cause a lot of frustration: read to find out common bed bug…

Remote Rodent Monitoring System

Remote Rodent Monitoring System: A Guide to What, Why & How

Remote rodent monitoring system is an innovative solution for preventing rodent…

How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Discover effective methods to eliminate carpet beetles from your home. Get rid of…

How to Get Rid of Fleas Natural Ways to Kill Fleas

How to Get Rid of Fleas: Natural Ways to Kill Fleas

Learn how to get rid of fleas naturally and what are the benefits of using natural…

How to Start With Urban Farming in Singapore

How to Start With Urban Farming in Singapore

Learn where and how to get started with urban farming in Singapore, crops you can…

How to relocate bees without killing them

How to Relocate Bees Without Killing Them

As bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem, explore ways to remove the bees from…

Ant Repellents Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Ants

Ant Repellents: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Ants

Ant repellents can be used as a natural pest control method. Learn what repellents…

What is the Wolbachia Project

What is the Wolbachia Project? An Overview of Singapore’s Mosquito Breeding Project

Wolbachia Project is meant to reduce the number of mosquitoes carrying and…

The Ultimate Guide to Lizards in Singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Lizards in Singapore

This guide explores types of lizards in Singapore, what to do if you see a lizard,…

How to Get Rid of Millipedes

How to Get Rid of Millipedes

Get tips on how to get rid of millipedes in your house, what kills millipedes…

How to get rid of booklice

How to Get Rid of Booklice

Learn how to identify booklice in your home, key ways to get rid of it and how to…

Booklice versus bed bugs main differences

Booklice Versus Bed Bugs: What Are the Main Differences?

Understanding the difference between booklice and bed bugs is important to…

Plants with water drop

The Ultimate Guide to Urban Farming

Learn about the history of urban farming, how it works and main benefits for the…

scorpions guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Scorpions

Scorpions are predators living in Singapore's forested areas. Their stinging can…

monkeypox guide

The Ultimate Guide to Monkeypox

Monkeypox is a virus that can infect people and cause serious illness. As treatment…

centipedes millipedes guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide on Centipedes and Millipedes

Although similar, centipedes are not the same animals as millipedes. They differ…

booklice guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Booklice

Booklice like moist conditions so you can expect to find more of them if the…

silverfish guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Silverfish

The silverfish mate and lay eggs in areas like cracks and crevices where they are…

lyme disease

The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Lyme Disease

Awareness of Lyme disease symptoms is useful in diagnosing and detecting the…

wasp singapore

The Complete Guide to Wasp Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Wasps, a group of flying insects in the order of Hymenoptera, are often confused…

rodent guide singapore

The Complete Guide to Rodent Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Rodents are mammals with a high degree of intelligence. Rodents belong to the…

Midges in Singapore

The Complete Guide to the Prevention, Treatment and Control of Midges in Singapore

Midges are common insects in urban environments. In Singapore, it is not unusual to…

snake guide singapore

The Complete Guide to Snake Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Snakes are one of the most common reptiles that we may encounter in our daily…

Types of Flies in Singapore

The Complete Guide to Flies Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Flies are present around us. Their presence can cause severe problems to some…

Fully fed tick on a leaf

The Complete Guide to the Prevention, Treatment and Control of Fleas and Ticks in Singapore

Fleas and ticks are tiny pests that are capable of causing great problems to…

cockroach guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Cockroach Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Cockroach activity has been around on earth for more than 300 million years. They…

bees in singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Bee Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

There are more than 20,000 bee species in the world. What are some of the common…

bed bugs guide singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Bed Bugs Prevention and Treatment in Singapore

Have you been getting unbearably itchy bed bugs bites causing sleepless nights? Or…

How to Get Rid of Ants

The Ultimate Guide to Ant Prevention and Treatment in Singapore

The presence of ants may be a sign of a larger ant infestation. Ant infestations…

mosquito on a human skin

The Ultimate Guide to Mosquito Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Mosquitoes are tiny creatures. Without their wing’s buzzing sounds, we might not be…

rodents webinar

Webinar Series: Innovative Pest Control in Singapore

As part of our effort to educate our customers and the public about pests and the…

Pharmaceutical Industry at work

Pest Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry plays a significant role in defining human health, so…

termite infestations

The Ultimate Guide to Termite Pest Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

There are more than 3000 living and fossil species of termites around the world. In…

Dengue in Singapore

The Major Threat of Dengue in Singapore

Outbreaks of Dengue in Singapore are very common. Dengue is a tropical disease that…

COVID-19 versus Dengue

COVID-19 Versus Dengue: What Do We Need to Know?

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly worldwide. It was recognized as a pandemic by the…

What Role Can The Pest Control Industry Play in Fighting Off Coronavirus in Singapore?

There are lots confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Singapore. What is the potential…

Types of Flies in Singapore

Most Common Types of Flies in Singapore

What are the most common types of flies in Singapore? Let's take a closer look see…

How to Get Rid of Midges

7 Tips on How to Get Rid of Midges

In this article we’ll discuss 7 ways of how to get rid of midges. Over many years,…

Midges in Singapore

Are There Midges in Singapore?

Yes, there are midges in Singapore. There are two main groups of midges in…

Fly traps

Fly Traps: Are They Worth It?

Ever heard of fly traps? Do you want to know if they are worth having? Then it’s…

Drywood termites and subterranean termites

Drywood Termites and Subterranean Termites

Drywood termites and subterranean termites are among the common most termite…

Fumigation Treatment

Fumigation Treatment: All You Need to Know

Fumigation treatment (for pests) in Singapore is usually carried out in the…

How to Get Rid of Ants

7 Tips on How to Get Rid of Ants

Ants can usually be prevented and eliminated easily. In this article we discuss…

keep mice away

7 Tips to Keep Mice Away

While mice are portrayed as characters in many popular cartoons and movies, they…

handling snakes

Handling Snakes in Singapore

The encounter with a snake can be a surprise, hence, it is important to be educated…

mosquito bites

7 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Mosquito Bites

These 7 tips will reduce the risk of getting mosquito bites, especially during the…

termite infestations

7 Tips to Protect Your Home from Subterranean Termite Infestations

No one wants their home to serve as termites’ food. Therefore we've compiled a list…

keep flies away

7 Tips to Keep Flies Away from Your Kitchen

These 7 tips will help you keep flies away from your home. We all get annoyed by…

rodents webinar

7 Tips for Keeping Our Bins and Bin Chutes Free of Rodents

You might have been feeding rodents without even knowing it. They scavenge for any…

Wildlife in Singapore

How to Handle Wildlife in Singapore

The landscape in Singapore is built and maintained such that wildlife co-exist with…

Predators as pest control method

Predators as a Pest Control Method

There are numerous examples of humans using natural predators as a pest control…

pest control lawsuits

The Largest Pest Control Lawsuits

In this article we discuss some of the largest pest control related lawsuits in…

prevent mosquitoes

The Best Ways To Prevent Mosquitoes

Citronella is a natural ingredient that has been used to fight and prevent…

natural remedies for insect bites

Natural Remedies for Insect Bites

If you do not want to use chemicals or medicine to treat insect bites, there are…

history of pest control

The History of Pest Control

The history of pest control goes back a long time. Various pest control methods…

ants in singapore

Killem Pest Profile: Ants In Singapore

In this Killem Pest Profile, we provide insights into some common ants in…

DIY Pest Control Methods

DIY Pest Control Methods

In this post about DIY pest control methods, Killem lists and explains measures…

famous buildings with pest control problems

Famous Buildings With Pest Control Problems

Not even the most famous and most frequented buildings and tourist sites of the…

spiders in singapore

Killem Pest Profile: Common Spiders in Singapore

The latest edition of the Killem Pest Profile series talks about 3 common spiders…

pest control offices

Industry Inside: Pest Control for Offices & Commercial Buildings

Pest control offices. Killem provides insights about why it is important to control…

pest control stories

Killem Encounters: Strange Pest Control Stories

Killem Pest Control Officers recall some strange pest control stories / incidents…

pest control in condominiums

Industry Inside: Pest Control in Condominiums

Pest control in condominiums. Killem provide insights on how to keep your condo…


Killem Pest Profile: An insight into Flies

Killem Pest provide the lowdown on what you should know about Flies, their…

common snakes in singapore

The 6 Common Snakes in Singapore

Killem provides insights into the 6 common snakes in singapore and how they should…

what you need to know about cockroaches

What You Need to Know About Cockroaches

We provide what you need to know about cockroaches and what to do if you get a…

best insect museums

The Best Insect Museums in the World

In these blog series, Killem discusses the best insect museums and most prestigious…


What is Entomophobia?

Killem Pest provides insights into what Entomology and Entomophobia is and how…

PPE pest control

How Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in the Pest Control Industry

We provide a review of the most important Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that…

can bed bugs cause post traumatic stress disorder

Can Bed Bugs Cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Can bed bugs cause post traumatic stress disorder? In this article we provide…

pest control history

The Biggest Jobs in Pest Control History

In this article we look back at some of the biggest jobs in the history of pest…

pest control in schools

Industry Inside: Pest Control in Schools and Learning Institutions

Killem Pest provides insights into how pest problems can occur in learning…

remove rats and rodents

Killem Pest Profile: How to Identify and Remove Rats and Mice

Killem provides advice on how to identify rodents, distinguish between rats and…

strangest pest control stories

The Strangest Pest Control Stories Ever Heard

Killem highlights some bizarre events and examples of the strangest pest control…

common pests in your garden

What Common Pests Are Found in Your Garden?

In this article we profile the most common pests you could find in your back garden…

pest control food beverage

Industry Inside: Pest Control in the Food & Beverage Industry

Killem provides insights into pest control food beverage industry in Singapore,…

technology and pest control

Technology and Pest Control: How Is Tech Transforming Pest Control?

Killem Pest provides insights regarding technology and pest control: Which…


Killem Pest Interview with Leading Entomologist Dr How Yee Fatt

We speak to Dr How Yee Fatt, a leading entomologist in Singapore with Bentz Jaz…

zika virus

How the Zika Virus Spread Across the World

Killem Pest provides insights into how the Zika virus has impacted Singapore and…

safe pest control with children

How to Carry Out Safe Pest Control with Children and Pets in Your Home

In this article Killem provides insights into how you can perform efficient and…

pest control in singapore

When Will You Most Likely Need Pest Control in Singapore?

Is pest control in Singapore seasonal? Killem provides insights into when you may…

what you need to know about termites

Killem Pest Profile Series: What You Need to Know About Termites

What you need to know about termites - Here we answer all the common questions…

pest control treatment methods

What Pest Control Treatment Methods Can You Use To Eradicate Pests?

In this article Killem provides insights on what pest control treatment methods can…