24/7 Rodent Monitoring

An innovative pest technology tool that allows us to identify, monitor, capture and record rodent issues.


Bell IQ is a sensor-supported rodent system that utilizes a rodent monitoring and trapping system linked with digital devices to facilitate a complete approach to rodent management. In short, communication systems alert our team about rodent behaviours, which then helps determine the best approach to trapping the rodents.

24/7 Monitoring

This innovative device monitors rodent activity continuously and helps provide protection against further spread of an infestation

Quick Response Time

Real-time information transfer occurring between the device and our team, allowing for a quick response time

Data Analysis

A handy online dashboard to keep track of where and when rodent activities are taking place

24/7 Rodent Monitoring Process

inspection to identify the presence of rodents

Step 1

Identify Presence of Rodents

Thorough inspection followed by identifying whether or not there is a presence of rodents.

Step 2

Install Rodent Monitoring Device

Strategic installation of the 24/7 rodent monitoring device with seven high quality and effective sensors.

installation of rodent monitoring device
monitoring rodent activity

Step 3

Monitor Rodent Activity

The rodent monitoring device is linked through Bluetooth and provides data and information of rodent activity on-site.

Step 4

Receive Notification When a Rodent is Signalled

The sensors detect and recognize rodent activity, and sends a signal to us when a rodent is spotted.

notification about a rodent
trapping rodents

Step 5

Remove the Rodent

Our team gets into action to trap and remove the rodents, an easy procedure since we know exactly where the rodents are.

  • 24/7 monitoring and protection against rodents
  • Better trap placement strategies
  • Data on rodent presence and activity
  • Solve rodent issues rapidly and effectively

Frequently Asked Questions

Traditional pest control methods often rely on periodic inspections and treatments, while 24/7 rodent monitoring provides continuous surveillance. This allows for early detection and immediate response, minimizing the chances of a full-blown infestation and reducing the need for extensive treatments.

Yes, 24/7 rodent monitoring is suitable for both residential and commercial properties. It is highly effective for properties where proactive rodent management is crucial, such as restaurants, food processing facilities, warehouses, and residential buildings.

Alerts and reports are generated in real-time as soon as rodent activity is detected by the monitoring system. This allows for immediate action to be taken to address the issue and prevent further infestation.

Yes, 24/7 rodent monitoring can be integrated with existing pest management programs. It enhances the effectiveness of traditional pest control methods by providing continuous monitoring and real-time data, allowing for a more proactive and targeted approach.

Yes, 24/7 rodent monitoring is environmentally friendly as it reduces the reliance on chemical treatments by detecting and addressing rodent issues at an early stage. This helps minimize the use of pesticides, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly pest management solution.

Want to find out more about our 24/7 rodent monitoring services in Singapore?

Then contact us now for more details or to make an appointment.