Types of Flies in Singapore

The Complete Guide to Flies Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Flies are present around us. Their presence can cause severe problems to some people, such as the owners of food and beverage outlets. Besides food, flies are attracted to other materials such as rubbish, faeces, and decaying materials.

types of flies in singapore

Types of Flies in Singapore

Housefly (Musca domestica)

The houseflies are probably the most notorious species of flies. They can be recognized by the presence of four vertical stripes on their back and their grey colour body. Houseflies are usually found near the waste collection area, such as waste bins and bin centres, as they feed on food waste as well as excretory waste. Their presence at homes is a nuisance to many homeowners.

Fruit fly (Drosophila spp.)

The fruit fly is another species of fly that is found around us. They are around 3mm in size, yellowish-brown, and most of them have red eyes which makes it easy to distinguish them. Fruit flies are attracted to 

  • Ripened fruits 
  • Vegetables 
  • Wine
  • Liquor

Bluebottle fly (Calliphoridae)

The bluebottle flies have a distinct metallic-blue body and red eyes, with a body size ranging from 10mm to 14mm. They are often found flying around waste bins searching for food. Bluebottle flies are also attracted to the faeces and decomposing dead bodies of animals.

Learn more about common types of flies in Singapore

Flesh fly (Sarcophagidae)

Flesh flies are similar in size to bluebottle flies, but they have a grey body and can be distinguished by the three vertical stripes at the back of the thorax. Flesh flies breed on feces, dead bodies, and even open wounds (which their name implies).

Drain fly (Psychodidae)

The drain flies or sewer flies are also known as moth flies, as they have a fuzzy body that resembles moths. They are usually around 2mm and can be found around the sewage system, such as drains and floor traps which serve as their breeding sites. Drain flies feed on organic matter that is found in the sewers.

Phorid fly (Megaselia)

The phorid flies are another important fly species commonly found in Singapore. Due to their appearance, they are often mistaken to be fruit flies. Phorid flies breed in the drainage system as well as decaying materials, including plants.

facts about flies

Life Cycle and Biology

Flies undergo complete metamorphosis, and their life stages consist of the egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. The eggs differ in size and shape depending on the species. Generally speaking, they are laid on or near the larvae’s food sources, such as food waste in the case of house flies. The eggs hatch into larvae that resemble a worm. Some are commonly known as maggots. The larvae feed, store nutrients and gain energy. Then they turn into pupae before emerging as adults.

The life cycle of a house fly only lasts for around 30 days, but in their short lifetime, they manage to lay up to 500 eggs.

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Medical Importance

Flies are associated with poor sanitation and hygiene as well as the ability to transmit diseases. People dislike flies for these reasons.

Flies are mechanical vectors of diseases and conditions such as: 

  • Dysentery 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Cholera 
  • Typhoid
  • Salmonellosis 

Flies pick up pathogens as they crawl and feed on infected surfaces with poor sanitation. They then transmit the pathogens to another object that they rest on, or through direct contact with humans. As flies feed, they regurgitate food, and this process facilitates the transmission of pathogens. The transmission of diseases can be prevented by avoiding unsanitised or contaminated cooking utensils and by making sure that food is not contaminated. It is important to keep flies away from food and utensils through proper storage and good housekeeping practices.

What Attracts Flies?

Flies have an excellent sense of smell. Studies have shown that certain flies can detect odours from up to 7km away. They can also detect odour from stains that are not visible to the naked eyes, making them highly efficient in searching for food. The presence of the following items may be the reason why flies are found around your house or premises:  

  • Food waste or decaying food  
  • Food stains  
  • Ripen fruits  
  • Sewer or drains  
  • Faeces or dead bodies of animals

signs of fly infestations

Signs of Fly Infestations

1. Sightings of flies around your house

It may be normal to occasionally spot flies around your house, as they may enter your home from the external while foraging for food. However, if you have seen flies around your house frequently or if you are noticing an increase in the number of flies, you may want to start looking for breeding sites for flies.

2. Presence of maggots around the house

Besides seeing flies flying around, the sighting of maggots usually signals a fly infestation nearby, as they usually will not venture far from their breeding sites. Follow the trails of the maggots or search the nearby areas. You should then be able to locate the breeding sites of flies.

how to get rid of flies

Tips to Prevent Flies From Invading Your Home

1. Maintain good sanitation and housekeeping

One of the most effective ways to keep pests out is by maintaining good housekeeping practices. Bad housekeeping and sanitation provide pests with sources of food, water and shelter, thus attracting them. Here are some important actions to take note of to keep flies away from home.  

  • Cover food. Flies have excellent olfactory senses, so the smell of food can attract them from afar. Properly covering food will prevent you from sharing food with flies and avoid contamination of food.  
  • Cover bins and empty them regularly. The kitchen bins and dustbins are where the food waste and leftovers end up. Flies are not as picky as humans, so the bins are great places for them to look for food. Covering the bins with lids will prevent flies from gaining access to food. Regularly emptying the bins will help avoid the accumulation of rotten food that attracts flies.
  • Wipe and clean properly. Flies can feed on human food stains and grease. Thus it is important to keep the surfaces of food preparation areas and dining areas clean. Flies can detect stains or chemicals that are not visible to the human eye. Therefore, it is important to clean and wipe the kitchen. Cleaning properly will remove any materials that may attract flies. Do not let the dishes sit in the sink for too long, as the stains can also attract flies. Cutlery and utensils should be cleaned as soon as possible after use to avoid attracting flies.
  • Keep drains clear. The accumulation of organic materials in drains form the ideal breeding sites of drain flies and even phorid flies. To prevent the breeding of drain flies, it is essential to make sure the drains are not clogged. Drains can be cleaned using drain cleaners or even hot water to remove the build-up of organic materials.

2. Keep the doors and windows closed

You can keep flies out by keeping the door and windows of the kitchen closed. Installing insect screens is another feasible alternative as it can keep flies out without making your kitchen and your home stuffy. Air curtains use fast-moving air to create a barrier that prohibits flies from passing through.

3. Improve air circulation

The movement of air disrupts the flight of flies, especially the smaller species, as they are weak fliers. Keep air circulating inside the kitchen by switching on the fan. This helps keep flies away.

4. Use fly traps

Flytraps are effective tools that are widely used in the control of flies. However, the use of fly traps with zappers is not recommended in the kitchen or dining area as they tend to break flies into pieces. Those body parts may fall into the food.

5. Inspect for potential breeding sites

Carry out regular inspections around your house or pay extra attention to the surroundings to spot the breeding sites of flies. Fix any cracks or building defects to prevent the breeding of pests, including flies. Early detection of fly activities will prevent the situation from escalating.

DIY Methods to Prevent Flies in Singapore

There are many types of homemade fly traps that are effective against flies. One of the easiest ways to make a fly trap involves using a bottle or jar and a cover or lid, apple cider vinegar, and dishwasher liquid. The trap is prepared by mixing one tablespoon of dishwasher liquid with apple cider vinegar in a bottle or jar. The bottle or jar is then covered correctly. A small hole is made on the cover as an entrance for the flies. This trap is effective against house flies and fruit flies as its scent will attract them. 

Professional Flies Treatment

If you ever feel that the infestation is getting out of control, or if you wish to have peace of mind without worrying about flies infesting your properties, seek assistance from pest management professionals. Pest management professionals will design a management programme that is best suited for you to combat flies.

The first step of professional flies treatment involves thorough inspection to obtain information such as the severity of the infestation and identifying the source of the infestation. At Killem Pest, our pest management professionals (PMP) are professionally trained and updated with knowledge of pests. The PMPs will be able to determine suitable management programmes based on their evaluation. They can also identify breeding sources that may not be discoverable to ordinary people based on their experience in the field.

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As mentioned earlier, fly traps are essential tools in fly management. The fly traps used by Pest Management Professionals are the insect light traps that attract flies using ultraviolet (UV) light. The UV light traps used by the professionals emit rays of a specific wavelength which, in turn, attracts flies. The flies are then trapped by the glue boards placed near the light source. The placement and position of the light traps play an important part in determining the effectiveness of the flies control programme. Poorly positioned insect light traps are ineffective and may cause other hazards if not installed correctly. Our PMPs will determine the ideal locations for the deployment of traps based on the inspection carried out.

Another treatment method for flies involves residual spraying. Residual spraying should only be carried out at locations without food to prevent contamination of food with chemicals. Residual spraying can be carried out in areas where flies rest, such as on the walls. Residual spraying should be carried out while paying attention to the surroundings to limit human and pets’ exposure to the chemicals.

Are you having problems with flies in your properties? Contact Killem Pest now.

Frequently Asked Questions

The common house fly doesn’t bite, however, some species do bite people. In most cases, it’s just irritating and somewhat painful, but flies can also carry diseases, which can be transmitted to humans through bites.

The short answer: all flies are somewhat dangerous. Flies are known for spreading different pathogens and diseases, as they crawl and feed on infected surfaces with poor sanitation.

Flies get attracted to the smell of food waste or decaying food, food stains, ripen fruits, sewer or drains, and faeces or dead bodies of animals.

Prevent fly infestation by maintaining good sanitation at your home. To get rid of flies, you can use fly traps or consult pest management professionals about using chemical pesticides.

Types of Flies in Singapore

Most Common Types of Flies in Singapore


Types of Flies in Singapore

The most common types of flies in Singapore are:

  • Housefly (Musca domestica)
  • Fruit fly (Drosophila)
  • Bluebottle fly (Calliphora vomitoria)
  • Flesh fly (Sarcophagidae)
  • Sandfly (Phlebotominae)
  • Drain fly (Psychodidae)
  • Horsefly (Tabanidae)
  • Phorid fly (Megaselia)
  • Small dung fly (Leptocera)

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If you are experiencing an infestation of flies, you may want to consider a fly inspection and fly control, removal, and extermination services.

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Let’s take a closer look at the common types of fly species in Singapore and what you can do to prevent and remove them.

Types of Flies in Singapore

1. Housefly

house fly in singapore

The housefly can be a real annoyance. Houseflies are carriers of diseases. They can settle into all kinds of premises, especially if there is food available. Thus it is essential to keep flies away by not allowing access to food.

The main characteristics of house flies are:

  • Colour: Grey thorax and yellow abdomen
  • Length: 5-8mm
  • Wide field of vision

2. Fruit fly

fruit fly

Fruit flies are, not surprisingly, usually found near fruit, fruit gardens, and vegetable gardens. They can be a nuisance all year round. Fruit flies are predominantly attracted to tomatoes, melons, squash, and grapes.

The main characteristics of fruit flies are:

  • Colour: Yellow and brown with bright red eyes
  • Length: 3mm
  • Fruit flies like to hover in the air

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies?

  • Store fruit in the fridge
  • Do not leave bread crumbs behind
  • Make a fly trap using apple cider vinegar and soap

3. Bluebottle fly

bluebottle fly

Another common type of fly in Singapore is the bluebottle fly. They hover around dust bins searching for food, but also pet faeces and dead animals. That’s what makes them a carrier of diseases.

The main characteristics of bluebottle flies are:

  • Colour: Blue
  • Length: 6-12mm
  • Bluebottle flies usually breed in meat derived substances

4. Flesh fly

flesh fly

The flesh fly can be a threat to humans since they are attracted to human foods, wastes, and excrements. Flesh flies mostly feed on nectar, sweet foods, and liquids from dead animal bodies.

The main characteristics of flesh flies are:

  • Colour: Grey
  • Length: 6-14mm
  • Flesh flies have a life cycle of 2-4 weeks

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How to treat and control flies

5. Sandfly

Sandflies are next on our list of flies in Singapore. The sandfly is mostly active from April to September. They locate themselves near damp places such as riverbanks.

The main characteristics of sandflies are:

  • Colour: Grey with brown eyes and dark red legs
  • Length: 10-11mm
  • Sandfly larvae can take up to 2 years to develop

6. Drain fly

drain fly

drain fly is a small insect that is that feeds on organic matter, as they are usually associated with sewage beds. Hence they are sometimes also referred to as sewage flies.

The main characteristics of drain flies are:

  • Colour: Grey
  • Length: 2mm
  • Wings covered with hair

7. Horsefly

horsefly in singapore

The horsefly is a real nuisance to animals in particular. Female horseflies can bite so much that animals lose weight as a result! Male horseflies are less of a problem and are more active in the daytime. They are pollen and nectar feeders.

The main characteristics of horseflies are:

  • Colour: Black or dark brown with green or black eyes
  • Length: up to 25mm
  • Bites from horseflies can be very painful

8. Phorid fly

phorid fly

Phorid flies are somewhat less common in Singapore, but we still need to keep an eye on them. These flies feed on many types of substances. Look out for rotting bags of potatoes, onions, or other stored tubers.

The main characteristics of phorid flies are:

  • Colour: Light brown or yellow
  • Length: 3mm
  • They can survive for 1-2 months

9. Small Dung Fly

small dung fly

Small dung flies are attracted to damp substances and rotten organic matter. That’s also where they lay their eggs.

The main characteristics of small dung flies are:

  • Colour: Dark brown
  • Length: Up to 5mm
  • Small dung flies only fly short distances

What can you do to Prevent an Infestation of Flies?

It is vital to identify the breeding spots of flies. The most important thing is to seal all possible entry points, such as the windows. Keep your house clean and adequately cover and store food. If these actions don’t prevent the problem, you may want to consider pest control services for all types of flies in Singapore.

Frequently Asked Questions

Flies are common pests around the world: there are more than 120,000 types of flies found worldwide.

The most common types of flies in Singapore are Housefly, Fruit fly,
Bluebottle fly, Flesh fly, Sandfly, Drain fly, Horsefly, Phorid fly, Small dung fly.

Out of all types of flies found in Singapore, Horsefly and Sandfly can bite humans and animals.

Fly traps

Fly Traps: Are They Worth It?


Fly traps

Ever heard of fly traps? Do you want to know if they are worth having? Then it’s time to read on.

Do you know that house flies taste food with their feet? That is the reason why they keep on landing on your food while you are trying to enjoy your lunch. Flies are insects in the order Diptera which consists of various species. Examples of flies include house flies, blowflies, flesh flies, phorid flies, drain flies, and fruit flies.

One of the most common fly species that can be found around us is the house fly.

Besides being a nuisance, house flies are carriers of pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites) so they are capable of spreading diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. For that reason, the population of flies and their activities should always be under control.

While the most important method in controlling flies lies in the identification and removal of breeding sources, other efforts are needed to reduce the number of adult flies. Another method of controlling adult flies is the chemical method. Spraying of residual chemicals on wall surfaces kills flies that land and rest on the wall. Besides spraying chemicals, granular baits have also been used to control adult flies.


In addition to chemical control, trapping is one of the physical methods that can be used to control the population of flies. Flytraps are effective weapons against flies. The fly traps that are available conventionally can be divided into two main types, namely food-baited traps and Ultra-Violet (UV) light traps.

Food-baited traps lure flies with baits made of food and then trap the flies using containers or glue boards. On the other hand, UV light traps utilize the fact that flies are attracted to lights within the wavelength of 315 – 400nm (UV-A range). UV light traps work by attracting flies with ultraviolet radiation then trapping them inside a container, on a sticky glue board, or electrocuting them using high voltage.

There are various types of fly traps available on the market.

Some of them can be used by simply placing them at locations where flies are active, while some may require you to drill holes in the wall. Not only do they differ in terms of ease of use, they also come in different prices. That being the case, one might wonder: are they really worth it?

How to keep flies away from your kitchen?

Before we come to the conclusion, let us discuss some of the benefits of using fly traps.

1. Fly Traps are Target Specific

Since fly traps are usually comprised of two basic elements: attractant and trap, the attractant can be chosen or formulated based on the type of flies that we are targeting. For instance, if you have problems with fruit flies, you will be able to find traps that have attractants that are specially formulated to attract fruit flies.

Besides that, UV light traps mainly target insects that are attracted to the UV light so other insects such as moth and beetles may sometimes be found in the traps. Compared to other methods such as aerosol spraying and residual spraying, fly traps do not affect other non-target organisms so this means that we can make sure that we and our pets are safe from the exposure of chemicals.

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Flies Prevention in Singapore

2. Fly Traps Help Avoid Contamination

Ungoverned exposure towards insecticides may put human health at risk. Fly traps not only can avoid contamination of food by insecticides but they also prevent the dead bodies of the flies from remaining in the environment.

Fly traps hold trapped flies in captivity, preventing them from flying around to spread diseases and other problems.

However, one should refrain from using electric fly zappers in areas where food is exposed. This is because when flies come in contact with the zapper, the high voltage may cause their body to rupture and break into small pieces. The ruptured pieces may then be dispersed by the wind and may contaminate our food as the pieces land on the food.

3. Fly Traps are more Environmentally-Friendly Compared to Other Control Methods

As mentioned earlier, fly traps have little to no effect on the environment as they do not affect other organisms and do not cause contamination. One problem that the use of insecticides causes is that their residues may linger in the surroundings. If not properly handled, the residues can be harmful to the environment and other living organisms. In contrast, fly traps do not release any harmful substances and so they are more environmentally friendly.

Pro Tip: Wait patiently for flies to visit the traps and be captured before you can remove them from the traps.

Despite having all the benefits mentioned above, there are a few shortcomings of fly traps that we should be aware of.

1. Not All Flies are Impressed by the Same Fly Traps

Fly traps are not designed or formulated to target all types of flies. For example, fruit flies are not attracted towards UV light traps and they need to be trapped using other attractant. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for the control of flies. With that in mind, we have to know what type of flies we are dealing with before we can strategize and solve the issue.

2. Treatment Using Fly Traps is Passive

Patience is a virtue. There is nothing much we can do after installing a fly trap besides waiting. If you are looking for a more proactive way to solve the problem or you just simply lack the patience, you might need to look for other alternatives.

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3. The Traps Need to be Serviced Regularly

This is not a very serious issue but one needs to make some effort for the maintenance of fly traps. Once a trap captures a certain number of flies, they need to be cleared in order to be used again. The light bulb of UV light traps also needs to be checked regularly to make sure that the trap is functioning properly.

Are fly traps worth it? Well, I will leave the verdict to you. Nonetheless, they are among the most commonly utilized methods in the control of flies. Our experts can provide you with the solutions that are tailor-made for your flies’ problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most modern fly traps do not release any harmful substances so they are not considered poisonous or toxic.

Yes, flies are visually attracted to these fly traps as they are usually bright yellow. So place the fly traps wisely.

Flies get attracted to bright-coloured, vertical surfaces. As fly traps are extremely sticky when flies land on them they can’t escape.

keep flies away

7 Tips to Keep Flies Away from Your Kitchen

Keep flies away! Have you ever been annoyed by flies circling around you? You might be trying to enjoy your breakfast when an annoying one starts flying around you. You tried shooing them away but they kept on coming back. You tried swatting them with a newspaper but to no avail because they can see your movements with the thousands of visual receptors they have.

Pro Fact: Flies are not only annoying but they also act as mechanical vectors for many diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery.

They carry bacteria on their body and pass them onto your food when they land on the food. It is thus important to keep flies away from us to prevent being infected by these disease-causing bacteria.

Flies are attracted to human food and rotting materials. They can find plenty of food sources in your kitchen as it is where you prepare food. Improper management of food waste serves as an invitation for their breeding.

Since swatting them with a newspaper is not a very effective way to get rid of them, are there any other ways to keep flies away from your kitchen?

1. Deny Flies Access

Closing doors and windows are the simplest way to keep flies away from your kitchen. A better option would be to install fly screens as you can keep flies away without making your kitchen stuffy.

2. Improve Air Circulation

Circulating air disrupts their ability to fly, so using a fan to keep air circulating inside your kitchen helps keep flies away.

what attracts flies to your kitchen

3. Keep Food Covered

Flies have a sensitive olfactory system so they will be able to smell food from afar.  Make sure that no food is left exposed if you do not want to share your food with flies. By making sure that your food is covered, you can also prevent contamination of food.

4. Keep Up With the Dishes

Do you always leave your dirty dishes in the sink after meals and wash them only after days?

Flies love all the food stain and leftovers so your sink that is full of dirty dishes will be the perfect place for the flies to hang out and get food.

Cleaning your dishes after meals is a good way to prevent that from happening. It is also good to put your dirty dishes in a dishwasher if you are unable to clean them immediately.

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flies treatment and prevention

5. Empty the Bins Regularly

A kitchen bin containing rotten food wastes provides ample food sources for both adult flies and their young ones. Kitchen bins with your food waste should be emptied daily at the end of the day to keep flies away.

6. Keep the Drains Clean

Like many other insect pests, flies are attracted to moist places so dirty drains provide both moisture and food source for them. To clean your kitchen drain, you can pour vinegar and baking powder into the drain and then flush them with boiling water.

7. Plant Aromatic Herbs

Some aromatic herbs are known to repel flies and other insects. Some examples of these insect-repelling herbs are basil, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon balm and thyme. Furthermore, planting these herbs in your kitchen can increase the greenery in your house and also add some extra flavour to your food if you use them in your cooking.

Keeping flies away is not really that difficult.

By putting in a little effort you can protect your family members from these harmful pests.

If you have an established fly infestation around you, you should seek professionals’ help to solve it. Killem provides professional solutions to solve the fly infestation around your property and keep you safe from the pest.

Get more DIY pest control methods

Bonus Tip: Explore Natural Ways to Keep Flies Away

Besides using herds, there are other natural and easy ways to keep flies away from your home. For example, flies don’t like the smell of cloves, so placing a bowl full of dried cloves can help you get rid of flies. Another solution would be to use cinnamon as flies hate the smell of it too.

Using essential oils is another alternative way to keep the flies away. Try spraying lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint and lemongrass essential oils around your house to prevent them from flying around.

You can also try to create a fly trap by mixing apple cider vinegar with a liquid soap. Flies will be attracted to the smell of apples and vinegar, but they won’t be able to escape the trap because of the surface tension created by the soap.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Flies get attracted to rotting fruits, vegetables and meat. Leaving dirty dishes, not frequently emptying your bin, or leaving the food waste bin accessible can also attract flies to your kitchen.

Flies often enter the kitchen and homes through open doors and windows. Sometimes they can also get through cracks and gaps in your building.

To find a source of flies and get rid of them you need to clean your kitchen and eliminate everything that attracts flies. Make sure that no food particles are left behind (e.g. behind the refrigerator, around your trash bin, etc).


Killem Pest Profile: An insight into Flies



There are three main types of fly in Singapore: the regular housefly (Musca domestica), the bluebottle fly (chrysomya megacephala) and the flesh fly (boellcherisca peregrine).

The regular housefly goes through four life stages but is best known for its distinctive adult appearance.

It is roughly 6mm to 7mm long with larger females than males. They have large, reddish-brown eyes with four black stripes along their abdomen and translucent wings.

The bluebottle fly is a type of blowfly characterized by the bright, metallic blue of its abdomen. It is roughly 10mm-14mm and has a grey head. The flesh fly has green and black stripes down its abdomen, large red eyes, and deposits live maggots as offspring rather than small white eggs.

Learn more about flies in Singapore

All three of the flies undergo similar lifecycles.

The regular housefly and the bluebottle fly begin as eggs before evolving into maggots, while the flesh fly will deposit maggots directly. All flies will leave their offspring on decaying organic matter like garbage, faeces, or old meat. The offspring will thing feed on the material as maggots and pupae before becoming fully grown.

Fly Life Cycle

Adult bluebottle flies are great pollinators and eat nectar while helping flowers thrive. The housefly usually eats liquids or materials softened by its saliva, and can thus feed on many materials or human food sources. The flesh fly is known for eating decaying flesh and is usually found around meat. Many households and companies should take great care to keep meat covered to prevent contamination.

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the dangers of flies

The Danger of Disease

Since flies travel to many areas and feed on a variety of materials, they carry numerous diseases. Contamination is a common threat because flies can carry bacteria on their bodies or deposit it by leaving their faeces on food sources.

The regular housefly hosts a wide variety of illnesses: typhoid, cholera, dysentery, and viral hepatitis A and E.

Bluebottle flies can carry typhoid, dysentery, anthrax, tuberculosis, and the bacteria which cause strep throat.

Finally, the flesh fly is known to carry the bacteria which causes leprosy, can cause parasitic myiasis and has been known to give humans and animals blood poisoning. All flies can transmit E. coli and salmonella to people through food.

Fly Life Cycle

Where Do Flies Live? Preferred Environments

Flies are usually attracted to areas that provide suitable conditions for breeding and feeding. They are commonly found in locations like:

  • Kitchens and food preparation areas, where they can easily access uncovered food, spills, and crumbs.
  • Outdoor spaces like gardens, parks, and picnic areas, where they are drawn to organic debris, open food containers, and outdoor trash.
  • Locations with poor sanitation, clutter, and unclean surfaces.
  • Areas with livestock, such as farms and stables, where flies are drawn due to the presence of manure and animal waste.

Feeding Habits: What Attracts Flies to Different Locations?

Flies are attracted to various locations based on their feeding habits. This includes environments with decaying organic matter, moisture-rich areas, garbage, animal manure, stagnant water, and compost piles. To reduce flies in these locations, it’s essential to practice proper sanitation, promptly dispose of waste, keep food covered, and eliminate breeding sites.

The Signs of a Swarm

In Singapore, because of regular pest control, we are fortunate that we do not experience fly swarms. Nevertheless, there are several steps people can take to stop flies from infesting. Windows and doors should be kept closed or have screens over them so flies can’t enter. Food should be covered, and spills should be cleaned up immediately so their scent doesn’t attract pests. People should also fully seal waste disposal containers and should clean up after their pets so flies do not feed off waste materials.

Pro Fact: Fly infestations are common in residences and locations which stockpile or store food.

One identifying feature is the presence of a large number of flies around trash sites, which indicates there are many of them in one location.

People might also notice dark spots around the ceiling or find maggots in enclosed spaces. Because they reproduce quickly and live in many places, they can be difficult to thoroughly eliminate. One of the most effective ways to remove them is by contacting licensed pest control providers such as Killem.

Our Pest Control Operators (PCOs) can install light traps which attract flies using energy-saving bulbs. They also have the materials to perform thermal fogging and residual ULV misting. Many of our products have low toxicity and are environmentally friendly.

Our Fly control PCOs also know when flies are the most active and are adept at treating all of the areas where they might reside. When in doubt, bring the professionals like Killem out!

Signs of Severe Infestations and When to Call an Expert

It is crucial to recognize the signs of a severe fly infestation for timely intervention. Some indicators of a significant fly problem include high fly population, persistent presence, clusters of flies gathering in specific areas, unpleasant odor and health concerns related to the flies.

While minor fly issues can often be managed with DIY methods, severe infestations may require professional assistance. You need to call an expert if your attempts to get rid of the flies prove ineffective, or if the fly population continues to grow. Venomous fly species or being unable to locate breeding sources also warrant expert intervention. Also, involving experts ensures effective and compliant pest management for areas with strict sanitation requirements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Flies can be annoying but also dangerous pests because of the diseases they transmit. If you see signs of fly infestation in your home, you need to take measures and get rid of them.

House flies can carry pathogens and spread serious diseases in humans and animals, like food poisoning, cholera, typhoid fever, or dysentery.

Flies constantly pick up pathogens and germs and leave them wherever they land – food or surfaces that people then interact with and get infected.

common pests in your garden

What Common Pests Are Found in Your Garden?


common pests in your garden

You may love spending time in your backyard and tending to your garden. Your children and pets also enjoy playing outside. Perhaps you grow flowers, or vegetables and fruit for you and the family to eat. However, many different types of pests enjoy the garden just as much as you do, and that can be a problem. Let’s take a look at some of the most common pests that like to hang out in the garden.

Bees and Wasps

If you see a bee or two in your garden, it’s not usually a sign to worry. In fact, bees are essential for pollination, and they can do your garden, and the rest of the gardens in the area, a favor. However, when it comes to wasps, or if you have too many bees that are causing problems, you may want to contact a bee or wasp removal specialist to have them removed because the stings are not only painful, but may also be fatal to people that are allergic to bee and wasp stings.

Bee on Flower



Most people hate seeing snakes in the garden, and they do have the potential to be a problem.

If you have non-venomous snakes that are small and not overly aggressive, they can help to control the rodent population, which is another garden pest we will discuss.

Learn about predators as a pest control method

However, if the snakes are venomous, if it is very big, if you are unsure about them, or if you simply have a fear and dislike for snakes, you should have them removed as soon as possible. This is an especially good idea if you have children or pets.

Garden Snake


If you notice termite mounds in your garden, this is a very bad sign and an indication that you already have an infestation. While those termites will not be interested in the flowers and vegetables you are growing, they will be interested in marching to your house so they can start eating the wood so get a termite control specialist in to remove them as soon as possible.

Termite Mound by Tree


Rodents in the garden can be very destructive. They may start to eat at the items you are growing, and they are disease carriers. Nothing good comes from having rodents in the garden, and they may also decide to move inside your home where they can get at even more food and cause more issues.



Mosquitoes are very dangerous, not just annoying. These pests carry diseases, such as the Zika Virus and Dengue. They breed in areas of standing water, which could be a bird feeder, a puddle, or a water collection bin. It is always a good idea to have someone take care of the mosquitoes before they become a problem.

The Best Ways To Prevent Mosquitoes

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mosquitoes in the garden


Depending on the types of ants in the garden, it might not be a problem.

Smaller ants can help with the pollination as they are crawling around the garden, and they can also help to keep caterpillars and other types of pests at bay.

They do not generally cause issues by eating anything in the garden, but if you have a lot of ants, they could always decide to head inside. It might still be a good idea to contact pest control.

Pest Control for Gardens

We have a list of the common garden pests in Singapore. Now let’s discuss some natural ways to protect your garden from pests.


Apply the following solutions to keep most common garden pests away:

  • Citronella plants to prevent mosquitoes.
  • Avoid overwatering to reduce high levels of dampness, as this attracts many types of pests.
  • Dust off the leaves of plants to eliminate potential nesting sites.
  • Dish soap mixed with water in a spray bottle can help get rid of many pests that settle on plants.

Pro Tip: Some natural remedies can be ineffective and make pest problems worse, so the best way to get rid of garden pests is to call a professional for help.

What Should You Do?

If you have pests in the garden, the best way to get rid of them is to call a professional for help. They can come and look at your problem, and then determine the best way to proceed and to provide you with a pest free environment.

If you would like more information on how Killem can help you keep your garden pest free, visit our residential pest control services page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pests can cause major damage to your garden. They can chew holes in your leaves and feed on roots, which kills the plants.

Sometimes pests are not visible, but you can identify them by the damage in your garden, like holes in leaves, small grubs around the roots of container plants, and skeletonized leaves.

The best way to get rid of the pests is to prevent the infestation in the first place. Check your plants regularly and take measures as soon as you spot the signs of infestation.

pest control in singapore

When Will You Most Likely Need Pest Control in Singapore?


pest control in singapore

Many people wonder if pest control in Singapore is a seasonal thing. Let us explore this topic.

Is Pest Control Seasonal in Singapore?

Have you discovered that you have a mosquito problem in the backyard? Perhaps you’ve seen rodents in the pantry or you have a nasty nest of wasps up under the leaves that you would like to have removed. Regardless of the pests that might be causing problems for you, or whether they are in your home or business, you want to have them removed as soon as possible.

How to handle wildlife in Singapore?

What Is the Impact of Weather on Different Pests?

In some parts of the world, pest problems tend to be seasonal, as there could be various types of insects or rodents that are more problematic during certain times of the year.

Being one and a half degrees north of the equator, Singapore’s climate is classified as a tropical rainforest one. Thus, Singapore does not have traditional seasons, although it does have a wet and a dry season. While pests of all types have the potential to be a problem all the time, you will find that certain pests tend to be more active based on whether it is the dry or wet season.

Singapore’s warm climate and high humidity also make it an attractive environment for pests to breed more quickly.

Common pest types in Singapore

What Are The Common Types Of Pests In Singapore?

Singapore is a popular place for all sorts of pests. The most common types of pests found in Singapore include:

  • Ants
  • Bed bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents
  • Termites

Ants will go around your house in search of any remaining food scraps. Bed bugs spend their time in furniture and especially beds. They are active at night and search for human beings to feed on their blood. Cockroaches are happiest in moist and damp environments. They come out in search for food, so you will often find them at night in the kitchen. Rats and mice also go around looking for food. Termites present a whole different challenge. They thrive on eating through wooden structures. If undetected, they can cause a lot of structural damage.

Home and business owners need to be aware of the threats of each type of pest. Take the necessary action to reduce the risk of pest infestations yourself, or contact a professional to take care of an infestation.

What Common Pests Are Found in Your Garden?

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mouse in a garden

Wet vs. Dry Season

During the wet season, for example, you may find that insects are more of a problem which could increase the chance of you requiring services such as ants, fly or mosquito control. They may want to escape from the downpours outside. Of course, during extremely dry times ants, rodents, and other pests might try to come inside trying to find water to drink. This means that pests of all types tend to be active in the Singapore area throughout the year, and you need to be vigilant if you hope to keep them under control.

Wet Season Umbrella singapore

There are some things you can do to reduce the “attractiveness” of your property to different types of pests. Make sure that they do not have easy access to food or water, for example. They will not be as likely to want to make your home their new residence if they do not have the things they need to survive. Of course, this is not always easy, and you might find yourself inundated with pests whether it is the wet or dry season. In those cases, you need some help.

We have collected data on the pest management jobs we have carried out over the calendar year to provide you with a guide on when you are more likely to require certain types of pest services during the wet and dry seasons:

Pest Issue Season
Dry Season Wet Season
Ant Removal Medium Requirement Medium Requirement
Fly Control Medium Requirement Medium Requirement
Mosquito Control Medium Requirement High Requirement
Rodent Control High Requirement High Requirement
Termites Control Medium Requirement Medium Requirement
Cockroaches Control High Requirement High Requirement

Getting Help for Pest Issues in Singapore

No matter the time of the season, you need to make sure that you have control at your home or business.

Pro Tip: Whether they are rats, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, flies, or any other type of pest, it is vital that you have them removed quickly and efficiently.

This means you should hire a professional service in Singapore. Have the professionals come to your property to kill and remove the pests, and to provide you with tips on how you can keep those pests from returning.

Research the company you are considering and make sure they have the experience and expertise to handle the type of pest problem you have currently so you can keep the property free from infestations of all sorts.