What Pest Control Treatment Methods Can You Use To Eradicate Pests?
What are some of the treatment methods used, to ensure that pests stay away from our personal spaces?
Treatment methods vary for different pests, for example, the ways used to eradicate mosquitoes are very different, when compared to those methods that help get rid of termites. Years of experience have allowed us to fine tune and provide you with the most effective service!
Effective pest control treatment methods
When Will You Most Likely Need Pest Control in Singapore?

Mosquito Treatment
Mosquito Treatment is separated into 2 areas. The first targets the larvae population, and the second targets adult mosquitoes. Treatment can be carried out via:
Larviciding is when there is an application of insecticide, which is specifically targeted at the larval stage of the mosquito. A thorough inspection for any potential breeding ground will be conducted before we carry out the larviciding treatment, and this will help to control the population, thus preventing the larvae from reaching the adult stage.
Fogging and misting are two popular and effective pest control strategies for various pests. There are some notable differences between fogging and misting.
Thermal Fogging
Thermal Fogging is the application of insecticide through water droplets in a highly visible fog to target adult mosquitoes. It is preferable, to fog at a time when mosquitoes are most active in order to get the best results, as thermal fogging only kills adult mosquitoes which are there at that time.
The Pros and Cons Of Fogging
Fogging helps control mosquito populations as well as other insects. The pros of fogging include:
- Relatively cheap
- Quick solution
- Long-lasting effect
There are some undesirable effects of fogging. The cons of fogging include:
- Disruption friendly insects like honeybees
- Releasing of chemicals that can harm the environment
As a result, fogging can affect natural ecosystems and human health. All pros and cons of fogging need to be weighed up to determine the right approach to treating pests.
Misting applies the insecticide, by covering a large surface area, using a highly efficient motor blower with strong pressure. This creates a barrier of protection, with a long residual and rapid knockdown effect. It is odourless and has low acute mammalian toxicity.
The Pros and Cons Of Misting
Misting is another popular pest control method that has several pros and cons. The pros of misting include:
- Effective treatment method for a variety of pests
- Convenient and simple to perform
The cons of misting include:
- Potential for overspraying
- Sometimes unsuccessful in targeting specific infestation areas
- Less durable, possibility of re-infestation
Misting is still an effective pest control method for certain situations.
The Difference between Fogging versus Misting
Fogging and misting are popular pest treatment methods in Singapore and around the world. It is important to know the difference between the two when deciding the right pest control approach for each specific situation. So how do we know if we need to do a fogging or misting treatment?
Fogging, as its name implies, creates a fog. Small droplets of insecticide are released into the air and this helps eliminate pests. It is often used indoors. Misting also releases droplets, but those are much bigger and remain suspended in the air for longer periods of time. This does not create fog-like effects. This does not create fog-like conditions and makes it more suitable to use in outdoor situations.
While the application is the main difference between the two, each infestation requires an independent treatment plan that is carried out by a professional.
If you need further information or would like to contact Killem to help you control Mosquito problems, please visit our Mosquito Control page.
Termite Treatment
Termite baiting is a fuss free treatment, where baits are placed in strategic locations, to target the worker termites. These worker termites will then bring the bait back to their colony, where it will be shared with the rest of the colony.
Dusting treatment is the application of powder to termite trails. These powder particles will be passed on to other termites and taken back to the nest.
Soil Treatment
Normal Soil Treatment is when chemicals are applied to pre-treat the soil for the protection of buildings against subterranean termites.
Rodding is when the external perimeter of the building blocks is treated with a termiticide solution. An injector is inserted into the landscape soil near the unit structure wall.
Corrective soil treatment is when a number of holes are drilled into the perimeter of the building, right through the concrete slab, if the building perimeter is cemented or tiled. Termiticide will be injected through these holes, and then sealed up with waterproofed concrete.
To find out more or request our services, visit our Termites Treatment page.
General Pest Treatment
For rodents, there will be an inspection within the premises for infestation, before baiting stations or traps are installed.
For other pests such as cockroaches and flies, all potential breeding and harbourage areas will be sprayed with insecticidal chemicals to the internal and external locations that are likely to be infested.
We are confident that with our extensive experience in urban pest management, we will be able to deliver the best service for any type of pest concern.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pest control methods include physical methods, such as pest proofing, traps and bait stations, temperature control, etc, and chemical methods like using insecticides, poison baits, repellents, or else.
Using physical and biological pest control methods is better for the environment, however, sometimes it can be hard to get rid of the pests using natural remedies.
There are many pest control methods to choose from, and whilst you can deal with small infestations on your own, you should consider hiring professional pest control services for larger infestations.