Pest Control in Industrial & Manufacturing Plants
Industrial and manufacturing facilities, particularly those involved in production for the consumer market such as pharmaceutical and food processing companies require special care and attention. As there is a continual movement of people and products, any pest infestations could disrupt the supply chain and cause contamination, which may damage inventory. In severe cases, this may lead to work stoppages, recall of products and even fines or lawsuits.
From our experience, common pests that can be found in industrial and manufacturing facilities include flies, lizards and stored product pests such as beetles. It is vital that control is maintained over these pests in order to maintain an effective working and manufacturing environment. Particular care should be taken near to production lines, where pest infestation can have a direct impact on the goods or products. There are other areas to consider that are particularly conducive environments for pests such as false ceilings, boiler rooms, storage facilities and waste collection areas.
Have a pest problem that is ‘bugging’ you? Worried about reputational damage?

Large scale industrial and manufacturing facilities require professional industrial pest control services to ensure that they are managing any potential pest control issues effectively. Certain facilities may require industrial pest control equipment and it is therefore important to work with an experienced pest control company like Killem. With a network of clients, any manufacturing business relies on maintaining a positive reputation. Any pest infestation could potentially have a negative knock-on effect to clients and therefore affect bottom line profits.
We have worked with some of Singapore’s leading manufacturers including Micron and Singapore Refining Company (SRC), providing them with an Integrated Pest Management solution. This not only places emphasis on preventative measures but also sets out best practice to reduce the potential for issues in the first place. The fact that we work with some of these leading businesses proves that they trust us to deliver a level of service that is required for such potentially sensitive facilities. Contact us today to find out more.