What is the Wolbachia Project

What is the Wolbachia Project? An Overview of Singapore’s Mosquito Breeding Project

Wolbachia Project is meant to reduce the number of mosquitoes carrying and…

mosquito on a human skin

The Ultimate Guide to Mosquito Prevention, Treatment and Control in Singapore

Mosquitoes are tiny creatures. Without their wing’s buzzing sounds, we might not be…

rodents webinar

Webinar Series: Innovative Pest Control in Singapore

As part of our effort to educate our customers and the public about pests and the…

Dengue in Singapore

The Major Threat of Dengue in Singapore

Outbreaks of Dengue in Singapore are very common. Dengue is a tropical disease that…

COVID-19 versus Dengue

COVID-19 Versus Dengue: What Do We Need to Know?

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly worldwide. It was recognized as a pandemic by the…

Pest Control in the Prevention of Coronavirus in Singapore

What Role Can The Pest Control Industry Play in Fighting Off Coronavirus in Singapore?

There are lots confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Singapore. What is the potential…

mosquito bites

7 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Mosquito Bites

These 7 tips will reduce the risk of getting mosquito bites, especially during the…